Spectrum recently served as a table sponsor for the April 2009 Breakfast with local Legislators, hosted by the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce. Several Spectrum employees attended the event and hosted Delegate Glenn Oder from the 94th District. Legislative attendees included Senator John Miller, 1st District; Senator Thomas Norment 3rd District; Delegate Tom Gear (invited) 91st District; Delegate Jeion Ward (invited) 92nd District; Delegate Phil Hamilton 92nd District; Delegate Glenn Oder 94th District; and Delegate Brenda Pogge 96th District. Lively and candid discussion is the norm for the session as questions are gathered from the attendees consisting of business leaders and representatives from across the Peninsula. Key subjects of discussion included – Work Force Development Funds (for unemployment); The Transportation Bill currently under review – affects major roads, bridges/tunnels, and public transit; potential for Unemployment Insurance for Part-Time Employees; Tax Credits for Major Business Facilities (implications and benefits); continuation to build upon Public Trust; and creation of “lock boxes” for specific funds to insure proper use of resources to allocated projects. This session continues to be of interest and benefit to Spectrum as the company grows in revenue and presence on the Virginia Peninsula. Additionally, as presence grows in other locals, Spectrum will consider the potential to attend like forums if one exists. As a direct result of this session, President and CEO Jeff Wassmer will host Delegate Glenn Oder at Spectrum’s Hampton Office in July. Delegate Oder will provide an overview of the Transportation Bill, that of which he is a major sponsor. Spectrum will in turn provide a Corporate Overview of its capabilities and functions so Delegate Oder has a better understanding of Spectrum’s business and how he can support their work.