Spectrum’s EDDE team continues to manage business processes and functions for development and experimentation of USAF Next Generation operational capabilities in Joint Expeditionary force Experiment (JEFX) sponsored by the Air Force Research laboratory (AFRL) and the Air Force Global Cyberspace Integration Center (GCIC).
In September 2009, Spectrum was awarded the EDDE contract. Spectrum’s EDDE team was a major contributor in the execution of JEFX 10. The Spectrum EDDE team consists of Spectrum, the prime contractor and 11 subcontractors who collaborate with AFRL and GCIC customers to provide event management; initiative development; aircraft live fly oversight – infusing all aircraft into the events; communications – computer system administration; public affairs, and lead the assessment of each initiative. The Spectrum EDDE team ensures the execution of large-scale, leading-edge C4ISR events and other selected small-scale experimentation. JEFX 10 sharply defined the Irregular Warfare communications – computer system administration; public affairs, and lead the assessment of each initiative. The Spectrum EDDE team ensures the execution of large-scale, leading-edge C4ISR events and other selected small-scale experimentation. JEFX 10 sharply defined the Irregular Warfare operational problem set, developed solution technology, and process solutions which will allow the services to be proactive. The final assessment is expected out early June 2010. JEFX has been a Chief of Staff of the Air Force directed series of experiments since 1998. JEFX provides a virtual, constructive and live fly operational environment to assess the ability of selected initiatives. This fluid environment meets warfighter challenges by integrating command and control technologies and developing tactics, techniques and procedures.
Spectrum is please to continue providing enduring results to our nation’s miliary.